This is just a space where I will write about the more personal things that I think about or am feeling. Unlike my other blog, Jazzy's Notebook, this isn't something I want to share with the whole world. So why blog about it right? Well, for my entire life I always kept journals. Wrote about my feeling and thoughts and experiences. Then, 2 of the closest people to me, read them, at different points in my life. I do not regret them reading it now. At the time I was so mad I threw all of my journals away. Years of writing gone. So, I turned to blogging. Here it is forever and I can share it or keep it private. Yes, I have random thoughts. I write about books, movies, gardening or whatever else comes to mind on my other blog. If you want light-hearted and easy going, check that one out. Here, I will share my deeper thoughts that are not all pink and easy. I usually keep the deep thoughts inside. I'd like to let them out. So here goes.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Tuesday was a real rest day. No workout at all. I just felt tired. I needed it. I'm going to switch my schedule to the 2 days on 1 day off, 3 days on 1 day off. I was doing 5-6 days on and 1 day off. Now that I've been doing this for 2 months and have 2 workouts on some days I need to make sure I get enough rest. Exercise is only 30% of the fitness equation. 

Wednesday: Back to business. Morning WOD: I thought it was going to be easy but it took me forever! Those plank jumps! KILLER! Afternoon WOD: Walk on the treadmil for 2 miles with 20lb backpack. I did sprint for a few minutes, without the backpack! 

Thursday: It's Sept. 11th. One thing I have learned and kept with me from my xfit days is during days of remembrance you do a crazy workout. Veterans, cops, firemen, military, civilians-if they can fight for our freedom and ultimately give their life for us, I can dedicate a hard workout for them. 

Tonight I'll walk or do the elliptical for 20-30 minutes with the 20lb backpack on. OH! I'm doing the walking with the backpack because I'm going to walk the 1/2 marathon with my good friend. That is one month away to this date! Even though this is "starting over" for me I am stronger today than I was when I originally walked the 1/2 marathon a few years ago. Honestly, I'm just doing it for fun and to spend time with a great friend. Nonetheless, I will be training for it LOL. 
Morning WOD
I dont have a 400m driveway, nor did I want to run up and down the street so I calculated how many rounds of driveway runs I'd have to do to get 400m. About 5 rounds =400m. 
My trusty running companion, easter bunny chalk! 

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