I know I haven't written every night. I'm just so tired I've gone to bed early. I'll be back on my normal schedule next week. Anywhoodles, here is what I've been up to.
Wednesday WOD:
50 Burpees am
5k row in the afternoon - rowing was not a new time or anything. I feel like I'm getting back into the swing of things after being out with my teeth, eating less and just bumping up the intensity.
Thursday WOD:
30 burpees am
lunchtime: run 1 mile, 5 burpees, 10 lunges, 15 squats, 20 singles- 5rft-12:30, then walk/run .50 mile back to work
evening : 25 min on my spin bike going HAM listening to empowering chic music-Don't underestimate the power of good chic music! :)
3 sets of 10 deadlifts at 80lbs
an attempt at rows at that weight
1 min plank hold, rest 30 seconds, then 30 sec plank hold
FYI- I'm all about the high intensity cardio. I have a heart rate watch, although it is primarily for running, I use it for all my cardio. I'm not sure if it accurately calculates the calories burned when I do that but... I like my intensity to be up around 180 (heart rate). Go hard or go home. Then again it is not like I'm at that heart rate for an hour. It is intervals, sprints, and things like that.
I did my WOD (burpees, lunges, squats, singles on the football field! |