This is just a space where I will write about the more personal things that I think about or am feeling. Unlike my other blog, Jazzy's Notebook, this isn't something I want to share with the whole world. So why blog about it right? Well, for my entire life I always kept journals. Wrote about my feeling and thoughts and experiences. Then, 2 of the closest people to me, read them, at different points in my life. I do not regret them reading it now. At the time I was so mad I threw all of my journals away. Years of writing gone. So, I turned to blogging. Here it is forever and I can share it or keep it private. Yes, I have random thoughts. I write about books, movies, gardening or whatever else comes to mind on my other blog. If you want light-hearted and easy going, check that one out. Here, I will share my deeper thoughts that are not all pink and easy. I usually keep the deep thoughts inside. I'd like to let them out. So here goes.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Morning Workout:

Afternoon Workout:
Run 1 mile 12 min
Jacobs Ladder 8 min
My new watch! TomTom Run Watch. Heart rate monitor right on the watch itself.

Today I felt good. A few days ago I was feeling a little frustrated. I want to see more results. I know it takes time. I know that it is not just about the results. I know this. I just can't help the thoughts sometimes. I did notice today my squats were easier. I am not dead after doing 60 lunges or 140 squats. My running is becoming easier and faster. These are good things. Keeps me going. The rest will come in time. It has only been 40 days. I just have to keep reminding myself to trust the process. :) 

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