This is just a space where I will write about the more personal things that I think about or am feeling. Unlike my other blog, Jazzy's Notebook, this isn't something I want to share with the whole world. So why blog about it right? Well, for my entire life I always kept journals. Wrote about my feeling and thoughts and experiences. Then, 2 of the closest people to me, read them, at different points in my life. I do not regret them reading it now. At the time I was so mad I threw all of my journals away. Years of writing gone. So, I turned to blogging. Here it is forever and I can share it or keep it private. Yes, I have random thoughts. I write about books, movies, gardening or whatever else comes to mind on my other blog. If you want light-hearted and easy going, check that one out. Here, I will share my deeper thoughts that are not all pink and easy. I usually keep the deep thoughts inside. I'd like to let them out. So here goes.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Monday's WOD:
10 min on bike - 2miles
10 1 arm kb snatch
10 situps 
10 wall squats
10 min AMRAP
5 rounds

Tuesday's WOD:
Death by Clean & Jerks
I made it to ten minutes. That seems to my normal "death by" number.

Tomorrow, I'm thinking of redoing Fran. I could use a good, quick workout. It is getting easier to eat more foods. I can't wait to be able to eat normally without having to worry about these non wisdom teeth. I will say for the last few days my diet has been mostly soft foods and quite a few more desserts than I normally have. Back to business.

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